Read “The Kid Who Ran For President” By David Gutman at home with your student for One School One Book.
Picture Day is Thursday, September 19, 2024, Please have your student wear their school uniform. For more information go to, our web code is: MonticelloMontFall24
About Us
Monticello Montessori is a tuition-free, public charter school providing a high-quality Montessori education to children in kindergarten through the eighth grade. Located in Ammon, Idaho, we serve students in Bonneville, Jefferson, and Bingham counties.
Latest News
Donated Dinosaurs
In Ukraine
Look at the happiness one of our students brought these Ukrainian children.
NEW! Hoodie Thursdays
I am happy to announce that Monticello Montessori will be rewarding students who have perfect attendance Monday-Wednesday, which includes arriving on time, with the opportunity to wear a Monticello HOODIE on Thursdays.
The hoodies have been approved by our School Board and they are here!
Youth sizes Small-X-Large are $20.00. They will be available at Back to School Night August 20th. Hopefully we are giving everyone enough advance notice that the children can earn $20.00 to pay for their own hoodie.
September Administrator’s
We are excited for the 2024-2025 school year!
Thank you for your patience as we get after school car pool and bussing working smoothly. Thanks too, for everyone’s attendance and support at Back to School Night. We had 98% of our students and families here.
Our mission is to have our students become critical thinkers and intrinsically motivated learners. And our vision is through a Montessori-inspired approach to learning, students will maximize their inner potentials and experience purpose and meaning in
life, take responsibility for their own education, cultivate personal dignity and develop independence and purpose in life.
Families and community members play a critical role as partners in supporting our students. We look forward to working with you throughout the year to make important decisions that affect both your child as an individual and the school as a whole. As a
start to this partnership, we hope you will join the PFO, attend strategic planning meetings, support our family nights, and volunteer whenever possible in school activities.
Warmest Regards,
Jeanne Johnson
Important Dates
Sept. 2 No School Labor Day
Sept. 9th PE, Library, Music and Art Begin this Week
Sept. 19th Picture Day, Sources of Strength Training 6th-8th grade
Sept. 25 Wendy’s Night
Oct. 17 Great Idaho Shakeout
Nov. 8 Barnes & Noble Bookfair
Why Choose Us?
Our Programs
Monticello Montessori students engage in the hands-on, self-directed Montessori learning method through an intentional content sequence and adherence to Idaho Content Standards.
Montessori Method
The Montessori Method is a holistic approach to learning focused on the whole development of the child. With encouragement and support, students discover their unique talents and missions in life.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to help students maximize their inner potentials, take responsibility for their own education, cultivate personal dignity, and develop independence and purpose in life.
Fairness & Equality
We are publicly funded and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender preference, disability, religion, or age in its programs and activities.
Is Monticello Montessori a public school?
Yes. We are a free public school authorized by the Idaho Public Charter School Commission, a division of the Idaho State Board of Education.
Who can attend?
Monticello Montessori Public Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in its programs and activities. Students between the ages of five and 12 may enroll up to the capacity available. If enrollment requests exceed the capacity of the school, we will follow an equitable lottery selection process to determine who can attend.
How much does Monticello Montessori cost?
We are a free public school. There is no cost for any student enrolled in our half-day kindergarten program through the sixth grade. We also do not require families to purchase or pay fees for school supplies. We may ask parents to pay fees associated with voluntary activities that are not necessary elements of school activity, such as field trips. We also welcome your donations of time and/or money to the school if you so choose.
Do you have special education services?
Yes, we do. The early years form the foundation of growth and development, and we believe it is important to keep you informed about your child’s development. If you have questions or concerns regarding supplemental and/or special needs programs, please feel free to contact us about services for those who qualify.
How does your lottery work?
Monticello holds a lottery on or before April 30 of each year. We fill all openings during the school year according to the order established by that lottery. Learn more about how we conduct our lottery.