The safety of our students is our first priority, and we are pleased to provide our school family with transportation services to and from school. Please help your child understand the importance of following the rules; riding the bus is a privilege, and we want it to be a safe experience for everyone.
Riding The Bus
We provide transportation through Teton Stage Lines to all students in grades K–8 who reside within 15 miles by road of the school at no charge. We provide this service before and after school, but we do not have a midday run for our kindergarten students.
Riding the bus is a privilege, and we expect our students to assist district staff in ensuring that buses remain in good condition and to help ensure safe transportation by adhering to behavioral standards established by school transportation. Students who compromise the safety of others will lose the privilege of riding the bus.
Bus Rider Authorization
We require all bus riders to enroll on the bus roster with our school transportation coordinator. If you would like your student to ride the bus, please contact the school via email or phone at (208) 419-0742 to complete this process. Unenrolled students may not ride the bus. Do not contact Teton Stage Lines for authorization.
Changing Bus Plans
Students may only change transportation plans, ride a different bus, or use a different stop when a parent has made prior arrangements with the office. We do not accept changes by phone; please send a note to the office or email us no later than 2:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday at
Bus Routes
Please note that our current bus routes are under construction and the times are subject to change.
Bus Stop Pick Up
Please arrive on time to your child’s bus stop. We request your patience as stop times are approximate, and the drivers may arrive a few minutes early or late.
For the safety of the students, buses cannot remain at the bus stop for longer than two minutes. Drivers will wait for up to four minutes at the final route stop returning to the bus yard. Students will need to be picked up from Jaker’s, and will be assessed a $65 charge from the busing company. We will not permit any student returned to the school the privilege of riding the bus again until all fees are paid.
School Pick-Up & Drop-Off
To pick up your child after school, please use the carpool lane and remain in your vehicle. Office pick-up is only for students who must leave before the end of the school day.
If all families will follow the guidelines below, we can complete student pick up within 10 minutes of dismissal time.
- Place a printed name sign in your vehicle where it is easily visible to school staff.
- Use the carpool lane and remain in your vehicle. If you need to come into the school, please park your car in the parking lot and then come into the office. Do not park your vehicle in the bus loop.
- When the carpool attendant sees your vehicle and the family name, we will deliver your child to your vehicle.
- Please remain in your vehicle. If your student needs help buckling up, please use the parking lot.