Emergency Closure & Late Start
Student safety is our first concern at Monticello. Please review our policies regarding school closure and late start days.
School Closure Information
Occasionally during the winter, predicted temperatures may drop below zero degrees Fahrenheit with wind chill that can increase the risk of exposure. Children should always dress appropriately for the cold weather; however, extremely cold temperatures or other severe weather could make it necessary to close school. We may also close the school due to mechanical failures or for other emergencies.
Late Start
We will notify families of late start and post notices by 6:30 a.m. Please make sure that your contact information is current.
Buses: In the event of a late start, please plan for your child’s bus to arrive later at the stop by the same amount of time as the school delay. For example, if there is a two-hour delay, your bus pick-up time is two hours later than on a normal day. On late start days we will usually conduct recess, lunch, and dismissal schedules as usual.
Emergency Early Release: If we implement an emergency early release, we will have bus riders board the bus only after we contact a parent/guardian and received confirmation that someone will be home or that your child can gain access to your house. We will remain at the school with other students until released at the close of school or to a parent/guardian.
Absences: Parents always have the right to decide what is best for their children. If you believe the weather is too severe for your child to attend school, please send a note with your child upon returning to receive parent-notified absence.
School Cancelled for the Day: Students do not attend school, and all scheduled extracurricular activities are cancelled.
Closures Announcements