Monticello Montessori students engage in the hands-on, self-directed Montessori learning method through an intentional content sequence and adherence to Idaho Content Standards.
ISAT Standardized Testing
As a publicly funded charter school, we must follow state mandates regarding standardized testing. In addition to ensuring that our students are above or at par with their traditionally educated peers, the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) by Smarter Balanced (SBAC) helps students by:
- Providing teachers and parents with information about student progress that can improve instruction.
- Identifying specific strengths and areas of growth for students.
- Identifying achievement gaps to help ensure all students receive the support resources they need to succeed.
- Serving as an academic check-up to make sure students are one track for the next grade.
To learn more, visit the ISAT Comprehensive Assessment System website provided by the Idaho State Department of Education.
The purpose of homework is to strengthen learning that occurs during the school day. You may notice that your children come home quite tired. This is because they work very hard at school all day. At Monticello, we value the central importance of work, and encourage our students to appreciate rigor and take pride in their accomplishments.
Ages Five to Eight
Between the ages of five and eight, homework consists of daily reading practice. Please read with your child at least 15 minutes each day. Parents may also help young children study spelling words and review math facts.
Ages Nine to 12
Between the ages of nine and 12, homework includes math, reading, writing, and spelling assignments. Students will also have research projects, presentations, and papers from time to time.
Homework Tips
We value the quality of student work. Please encourage your child to do his/her own work and independently find solutions to the problems and puzzles he/she encounters. Additionally, providing a set time for homework and a quiet place free of distractions will help make homework assignments go smoothly.
Teachers’ Role
No doubt about it, home and school working together makes for a winning combination. The main purpose of our teaching team is to help all of our students learn. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Additional Resources