Transparency Documents
School Reports
Audited Annual Financial Reports
Audited Financial Statement FYE 06/30/24
Audited Financial Statement FYE 06/30/23
Audited Financial Statement FYE 06/30/22
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/21
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/20
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/19
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/18
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/17
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/16
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/15
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/14
Audited Financial Statement FYE 6/30/13
Fiscal Year 22–23 Budget Reports
Fiscal Year 22-23 Expenditure Reports
Fiscal Year 21–22 Budget Reports
Fiscal Year 21–22 Expenditure Reports
Fiscal Year 20–21 Budget Reports
Fiscal Year 20–21 Expenditure Reports
Fiscal Year 19–20 Expenditure Reports
Fiscal Year 18–19 Expenditure Reports
Charter Commission Annual Report
School Report Cards
Idaho K-12 Report Card
Scroll to: #474 Monticello Montessori Charter School, Inc.
Performance Report
COVID Response Plan
Problem Resolution Policies
We want learning at our school to be a positive experience for every one of our students. However, we recognize that problems may arise that are concerning to you or your child. Usually, these problems are the result of misunderstanding, which we can resolve through constructive communication with your child’s teacher. If you have any concerns, please follow the procedure outlined here so we can reach a mutually beneficial solution for all.
Problem Resolution Protocol
- Visit with your child’s teacher and document the date and time of your visit.
- If you are unable to resolve the problem or concern, please complete our online grievance form. Our school principal will contact you upon receipt of your form.
- If we are unable to resolve the problem or concern after speaking with administration, you may bring your problem or concern to the attention of the school board during the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
To add your problem or concern to the board meeting agenda, please contact our administrative assistant and reference policies 4105 and 4105F.
4105: Public Participation in Board Meeting
4105F: Request to Address the Board
Student & Parent Rights
School Policies
Certified Treacher Contracts – 2024
Certified Treacher Contracts – 2023
Certified Teacher Contracts – 2022
Certified Teacher Contracts – 2021
Certified Teacher Contracts – 2020
2024 Independent Contractor Agreements
2023 Independent Contractor Agreements
2022 Independent Contractor Agreements
2021 Independent Contractor Agreements
2020 Independent Contractor Agreements
2018 Independent Contractor Agreements
2017 Independent Contractor Agreements
2015 Independent Contractor Agreements
2024 Student Transportation Contract
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI)
GEPA Statement
Website Accessibility Statement
Website Accessibility Statement
Monticello Montessori Public Charter School is committed to and is making every possible effort to ensure that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by Monticello Montessori is accessible to people with disabilities, including both employees and the end-users we serve. If you cannot fully access the information on a particular page, please utilize the contact information below. (This may include providing the information to you in an alternate format.)
Filing a Website Civil Rights Grievance Complaint
Improving the site’s accessibility for citizens with disabilities is one of our top priorities. We welcome suggestions or comments on this topic. If you wish to report an issue related to the accessibility of any content on the Monticello Montessori website, you may do so in any of the following ways:
- Email the Webmaster. Please include the web address or URL along with a detailed description of the problems you have encountered.
- Submit written correspondence to the address below. In your correspondence, please include the web address or URL along with a detailed description of the problems you have encountered.
- Contact the Office for Civil Rights to file a Section 504 or Title II complaint.
- Contact the U.S. Department of Justice to file a Title II complaint.
For further information and to learn more about the regulations governing the accessibility of electronic information, visit the pages listed below:
Additional Information
To contact us in writing, send letters to:
Monticello Montessori Public Charter School
4707 S. Sweetwater Way
Ammon, ID 83406
MMCS Performance Certificate
Parent Notification of Teacher Qualifications